BRUECKNER MASCHINENBAU dovetails sales and service processes

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BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU GmbH & Co. KG is a leading company in plant and mechanical engineering, which offers its customers not only innovative film stretching systems but also a long-term all-round service. The focus of BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU is on proximity to the user and the continuous optimisation of processes – with the aim of building long-term relationships with the customer that are characterised by trust.

Central data storage and the mapping of all sales and service processes with the itmX crm suite

More than five years ago, the company began researching suitable CRM providers and in 2016 decided on the CRM solution from itmX GmbH (formerly ITML). In addition to the possibility of central data storage based on SAP, the option of integrating and implementing individual needs and requirements, especially from the sales and service area, were also decisive. In addition, itmX GmbH’s expertise in BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU’s core industry – plant and mechanical engineering – was also convincing.

“We tried to select a central tool that covers the entire spectrum of sales and service”

Markus Wendlinger, BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU, about the decision for the itmX crm suite

“The data was all there before, but now it is also centrally accessible and evaluable. They can also be viewed from different angles and in a 360° view. That’s exactly what we wanted and what was our central requirement.”

Manuel Keilich, BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU, about the central benefit of the itmX crm suite

Functional Highlights in Project Implementation: The Opportunity Radar

An opportunity radar was integrated into the sales process of BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU, which enables the sales force to evaluate the existing sales opportunities with the help of a scoring model and thus identify the most promising ones. Appropriate classification features in the CRM create a graphical presentation that provides a good overview of how high the probability of a contract being concluded is. At the same time, the Opportunity Radar also serves as a basis for decision-making at management level in order to set priorities.

Accompanying the change in the company: Organizational aspects of the introduction of the itmX crm suite

Every change brings challenges in the company – in the end, a project stands and falls with the acceptance of those involved. For this reason, BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU attached great importance to taking all those involved with us and taking their concerns seriously.

Among other things, the company relied on a gamification approach to convey the terminology and functions of CRM in a playful way and thus also increase acceptance. But other, smaller actions were also carried out in the course of the CRM introduction in order to involve all employees. Throughout the entire implementation process, constant and fast support from the specialist department was also the be-all and end-all.

Topics of the future at BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU

In the future, BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU would like to further focus on the integration of Microsoft 365 and mobile applications in the context of CRM. But internationalization, especially the roll-out to China, is also on the company’s agenda.

“We very much appreciate the cooperative partnership with itmX. We have fought many battles together and we still have many ahead of us.”

Manuel Keilich, BRÜCKNER MASCHINENBAU, about the cooperation with itmX GmbH

Other companies that rely on the itmX crm suite

Do we want to write the next success story together?

Every relationship is unique. If you would like to learn how we can develop unique stories and solutions together, please feel free to contact us.

Dagmar Cölln
Dagmar CöllnSenior Sales
+49 7231 96825 10
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