Does this sound familiar to you?

  • Your customers expect personalized information at different times and on different channels

  • Your marketing becomes more and more important & turns into an own sales channel

  • Your customers are partially no longer accessible via the usual channels

Is this what you want and wish?

  • You want to reach your customers on their Customer Journey – even without personal contact?

  • You want to reach your customers with relevant content and use customer data profitably?

  • You would like to be able to pre-qualify your leads before handing them over to sales?

  • AND you need a QUICK SOLUTION & operate a SAP SYSTEM (ERP or S/4)?

With our itmX takeoff special “marketing” you reach your customers efficiently and are visible

  • itmX marketing automation - Startscreen
  • itmx marketing automation kampagnenplanung Screen

How to master the entry into digital lead management

Webinar: Marketing Automation leicht gemacht

In the webinar “Marketing Automation made easy” we will show you how to provide your customers and prospects with the right content at the right time. Take 15 minutes of your time and get important impulses on how you can interlink your marketing and sales and how you can increase your conversion rates.

Our special offer

Mit Marketing Automation mehr und besser Leads generieren onepager itmX marketing

Factsheet “itmx takeoff special marketing”

You will find further information about our itmX take off special marketing as a compact summary in this factsheet.


Do you have any questions or would you like a consultation?
Please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to your message.

Dagmar Cölln
Dagmar CöllnSenior Sales
+49 7231 96825 10